Beaumont - A dodecagonal typeface
To convert the historic 950 Beaumont building into an avant-garde professional facility, we developed a typeface and visual identity honouring the
industrial heritage of the site. Until the 1950’s, a massive gas storage reservoir occupied the area. Inspired by the gasometer’s dodecagonal structure, we created a typeface with 307 glyphs in 5 weights. Their shapes are bold, assumed and modern while evoking the past and infusing the building’s common areas with personality and soul. Along with the typography, pictograms were created to showcase the site’s history, guide visitors and compliment the interior design.
Creative direction - Olivier Valiquette
Design - Yann Carrière, Charles Connoue
Type Design - Charles Connoue
Photoshoot - Thanh Pham
Agency - Sid Lee / Sid Lee Architecture
Client - Montoni
Prix Grafika 2018 - Type design
